8 Soal (Essay) Correlative Conjunction Beserta Jawaban
Kumpulan Soal (Uraian) Materi Correlative Conjunction

1. Tuliskan contoh kalimat correlative conjunction menggunakan kata hubung Either … or … (entah … atau …), neither … nor (tidak … atau …)!
a) The man is neither handsome nor faithful. (Pria itu tidak tampan ataupun setia)
b) Either Nadia or her mother is a doctor. (Entah Nadia atau ibunya adalah seorang dokter)
2. Tuliskan contoh kalimat correlative conjunction menggunakan kata hubung From … to …!
Contoh: I travelled from England to Germany in three days. (Saya bepergian dari Inggris ke Jerman dalam tiga hari)
3. Tuliskan contoh kalimat correlative conjunction menggunakan kata hubung Hardly … when / no sooner … than / scarcely … when!
a) Hardly had you left the restaurant when the party was started. (Kamu hampir telah meninggalkan restoran ketika pesta dimulai)
b) No sooner did I send the email than the reply came. (Tidak lama dari saya mengirimkan e-mail balasannya datang)
c) Scarcely had I finished my work when I went to bed. (Tak lama setelah saya menyelesaikan pekerjaan, saya tidur)
4. Tuliskan contoh kalimat correlative conjunction menggunakan kata hubung If … then!
Contoh: If you help him now, then he will repay one day. (Jika kamu menolongnya sekarang, kemudian dia akan membalasnya suatu hari nanti)
5. Tuliskan contoh kalimat correlative conjunction menggunakan kata hubung Not … but (tidak … tapi), not only … but also … (tak hanya … tapi juga)!
a) Yana is not his girl friend but his sister. (Yana bukan pacarnya melainkan saudara perempuannya)
b) He can drive not only a car but also a train. (Dia tidak hanya bisa mengemudikan mobil tapi juga kereta api)
6. Tuliskan contoh kalimat correlative conjunction menggunakan kata hubung Rather… than!
Contoh: My parents would rather have lunch in a traditional restaurant than have lunch in a fast food restaurant. (Orangtua saya lebih suka makan siang di restoran tradisional daripada di makan siang di restoran cepat saji)
7. What are the 3 sets of correlative conjunctions?
Either ... or, neither ... nor, and not only ... but also are all correlative conjunctions. They connect two equal grammatical items. If, for example, a noun follows either, then a noun should also follow or
8. How do you use correlative conjunctions?
Correlative conjunctions are only used to connect two parts of a sentence that have equal value in the sentence. Incorrect Explanation: Sorry, that's not right. Correlative conjunctions are only used to connect two parts of a sentence that have equal value in the sentence