12 Soal (Essay) Interrogative Pronoun Beserta Jawaban
Kumpulan Soal (Essay) Materi Interrogative Pronoun

1. Tuliskan contoh kalimat interrogative pronoun menggunakan kata whom!
1. Contoh Kalimat Interrogative Pronoun:
1. Whom did you speak to? (Siapa Anda berbicara?)
2. Whom do you prefer to vote for? (Siapa yang Anda sukai untuk memilih?)
3. You should ask whom to come (Anda harus bertanya siapa yang akan datang)
4. Whom do you live with? (Siapa yang Anda hidup dengan?)
2. Tuliskan contoh kalimat interrogative pronoun menggunakan kata whose!
2. Contoh Kalimat Interrogative Pronoun:
1. Whose parents are those? (Yang orang tuanya Apakah itu?)
2. Whose phone is that?Who did you call? (Siapa yang kamu panggil?)
3. Tuliskan contoh kalimat interrogative pronoun menggunakan kata why!
3. Contoh Kalimat Interrogative Pronoun:
1. Why did you sell your cara? (Mengapa kamu jual mobilmu?)
2. Why is Lilia going home? (Mengapa Lilia pulang ?
4. Tuliskan contoh kalimat interrogative pronoun menggunakan kata how!
4. Contohnya :
1. How are you? (Bagaimana keadaanmu?)
2. How did you come here? (Bagaimana caranya kamu datang kesini?)
3. How do you sing well (Bagaimana caranya kamu menyanyi dengan indah?)
5. Tuliskan contoh kalimat interrogative pronoun menggunakan kata when!
Contohnya :
1. When does the bell usually ring? (Kapankah biasanya bell berdering?)
2. When did you buy this cat? (Kapankah kamu membeli kucing ini?)
3. When does Nadin come here? (Kapankah Nadin datang kesini?)
6. Tuliskan contoh kalimat interrogative pronoun menggunakan kata where!
Contohnya :
1. Where is Fairuz going now? (Kemanakah/ dimanakah Fairuz pergi sekarang?)
2. Where is my book? (Dimakah buku saya?)
3. Where is the key? (Dimanakah kuncinya?)
7. What is interrogative pronoun give example?
The main interrogative pronouns are "what," "which," "who," "whom," and "whose." Interrogative pronouns are used to ask questions. The other, less common interrogative pronouns are the same as the ones above but with the suffix "-ever" or "-soever" (e.g., "whatever," "whichever," "whatsoever," "whichsoever").
8. What are demonstrative and interrogative pronouns?
If they are being used to ask a question, they are interrogative. When you use them to show or point to something, they are demonstrative. ... (The pronoun whom is being used to ask a question.)
9. What are the 5 interrogative pronouns?
We use interrogative pronouns to ask questions. They are: who, which, whom, what and whose.
10. How do you use interrogative pronouns?
Interrogative Pronouns
What – Used to ask questions about people or objects. ...
Which – Used to ask questions about people or objects. ...
Who – Used to ask questions about people. ...
Whom – This interrogative pronoun is rarely seen these days, but when it shows up, it is used to ask questions about people.
11. How do you teach interrogative pronouns?
Hint: Use who in a question when you would answer it with I, he, she, we, or they. Use whom when you would answer the question with me, him, her, us, or them. In other words, use who in a question if you would answer it with a subject pronoun, and use whom in a question if you would answer it with an object pronoun.
12. Kapan kita menggunakan "what" dalam pertanyaan?
"What" digunakan untuk menanyakan informasi atau objek.