49 Soal (PG) Sosiolinguistics Lengkap Jawaban

Latihan Soal Pilihan Ganda Bab Sociolinguistics

34. Look at the following dialogue
Rob : Have you got a cigarette ?
T om : No, I haven’t. I don’t smoke
Rob : Oh, I’m sorry
T om : By all means
The above dialogue is a typical of … spoken or dialect.
A. British English
B. American English
C. Intra-National
D. English-American

A. British English

35. Social dialects are distinguished by features of pronunciation, vocabulary , and grammar according to social group of the speakers, whereas regional dialects involve features of pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar according to …
A. the first variety of regional variation
B. two dialogue in the border of two regions
C. geographical areas the speakers come from
D. the chain between a dialect and another dialect

C. geographical areas the speakers come from

36. Standard dialect is the dialect having the variety of speaking and writing granted the most public prestige, whereas non standard dialect is … .
A. associated with the speech of politicians and educators
B. not afforded general public prestige and differ from standard varieties in terms of grammar and vocabulary
C. the process of standardization which usually doesn't involve the development of grammars and dictionaries
D. accepted as the norm because of the power or prestige of that dialect group

B. not afforded general public prestige and differ from standard varieties in terms of grammar and vocabulary

37. Which of the following words is correct according to British spelling?
A. recognize
B. customize
C. honor
D. colour

D. colour

38. In situational code-switching, the switch is in response to a change in situation whereas in conversational code-switching, the switch … .
A. has a stylistic or textual function
B. takes varieties in utterances
C. defines the use of two or more languages
D. perceives social and cultural distance

A. has a stylistic or textual function

39. Language interference refers to the use of formal elements of one code within the context of another in a given language that could be explained by the effect of contact with another language which includes the following except … element.
A. phonological
B. lexical
C. grammatical
D. syntactical

C. grammatical

40. Which of the following is not a reason why people do code switching?
A. the solidarity with the listeners
B. the choice of the topic
C. perceive and cultural distance
D. the rule of the communication

D. the rule of the communication

41. Diglossia refers to the situation where two distinct varieties are used in… .
A. different functions
B. daily communication
C. certain community
D. social life

A. different functions

42. Which word of the followings belongs to American English ?
A. rubber
B. apartment
C. motorway
D. pavement

B. apartment

43. Language variety is the language we use in everyday living remarkably varied in which the language will exhibit considerable internal variation and … .
A. single style speaker will not be found
B. for many different purposes
C. it is used in contexts of communication
D. bound up with culture in multiple

A. single style speaker will not be found

44. The followings are the relation between language and culture, except ….
A. language expresses cultural reality
B. language symbolizes cultural reality
C. language emphasizes cultural reality
D. language embodies cultural reality

C. language emphasizes cultural reality

45. A speech community is all the people who speak a single language and so share notions of what is same or different in … .
A. social appropriateness
B. the same linguistic code
C. phonology and grammar
D. language users

C. phonology and grammar

46. Which of the followings is not included as the layers of culture combined?
A. the social
B. the historical
C. the community
D. the imagination

C. the community

47. A speaker who can control more than one variety chooses a level of speech according to the audience he or she addressing. When he or she speaks to strangers in order to seem friendly , he or she might choose a/an … style
A. common
B. community
C. informal
D. formal

C. informal

48. The more formal the situation, the more attention we pay to our language and so the more we are likely to conform to the favored and educated norms of our society , it is one of the style aspects namely … .
A. place
B. audience
C. expression
D. care

D. care

49. A register is a variety of language most likely to be used in a specific situation and with …
A. particular roles and statuses involved
B. labeling varieties of language
C. a specific set of social features
D. a set of typical domains

A. particular roles and statuses involved