8 Soal English for Hotel and Tourism Beserta Jawaban
Kumpulan Soal Pilihan Ganda Materi English for Hotel and Tourism

1. Yang termasuk struktur discourse adalah, kecuali
A. Transaction
B. Communication
C. A rank
D. Hierarchical
A. Transaction
B. Communication
C. A rank
D. Hierarchical
2. Struktur discourse dalam speech dan newsreport adalah
A. Speech has headlines but newsreport does not have headlines
B. Speech has introduction but newsreport does not have discussion
C. Speech has the details but newsreport does not have the details
D. Speech has discussion, description, informing but newsreport does not have
3. Yang termasuk field of discourse adalah
A. activities, participants and circumtances
B. circumtances, individual and activities
C. individual, transaction and circumtances
D. participants, opponent and circumtances
4. Manakah yang berikut termasuk proses dalam discourse menelpon?
Tina: Hello Ani: Hi, Tina! How are you?
Tina: fine, thank you. Ani, I want to invite you to joint my birthday party
Ani: Ah..... Okey . I remember the date is tomorrow so see you tomorrow
Tina: Thanks Ani, see you at the corner cafe at 19.30, tomorrow, bye
A. inviting, waiting, calling
B. phone calling, answering, inviting
C. answering, calling, waiting
D. waiting, calling, answering
5. Mengapa texture dalam discourse dianggap berperan penting?
A. Texture berperan sebagai pembentuk korelasi dalam discourse
B. Texture berperan sebagai pelengkap yang penting
C. Texture berperan sebagai penghubung kalimat dalam discourse
D. Texture berperan sebagai alat pemersatu discourse
6. ‘The boys are coming. They will have a basket competetion. Panji is the capten of the blue team. He is the best player in the town. ‘ Dari discourse ini grammar apa yang dapat Anda ajarkan pada siswa-siswa Anda? Kecuali
A. References
B. T enses
C. Articles
D. Vocabulary
7. The teacher said: ‘Please be quiet’. However the students cannot keep their mouth. The teacher said again: ‘Shuuut! Silent, plese.’ Then class is quiet now. Vocabulary manakah yang paling tepat diajarkan kepada parasiswa dengan
discourse di atas?
A. Sinonim
B. Antonim
C. Hiponim
D. Anonim
8. Manakah discourse dari yang berikut yang tidak cocok untuk digunakan dalam pengajaran speaking, ....
A. Telephone discourse
B. Shopping discourse
C. Textual discourse
D. Interview discourse
B. Communication
2. Struktur discourse dalam speech dan newsreport adalah
A. Speech has headlines but newsreport does not have headlines
B. Speech has introduction but newsreport does not have discussion
C. Speech has the details but newsreport does not have the details
D. Speech has discussion, description, informing but newsreport does not have
D. Speech has discussion, description, informing but newsreport does not have
D. Speech has discussion, description, informing but newsreport does not have
3. Yang termasuk field of discourse adalah
A. activities, participants and circumtances
B. circumtances, individual and activities
C. individual, transaction and circumtances
D. participants, opponent and circumtances
A. activities, participants and circumtances
A. activities, participants and circumtances
4. Manakah yang berikut termasuk proses dalam discourse menelpon?
Tina: Hello Ani: Hi, Tina! How are you?
Tina: fine, thank you. Ani, I want to invite you to joint my birthday party
Ani: Ah..... Okey . I remember the date is tomorrow so see you tomorrow
Tina: Thanks Ani, see you at the corner cafe at 19.30, tomorrow, bye
A. inviting, waiting, calling
B. phone calling, answering, inviting
C. answering, calling, waiting
D. waiting, calling, answering
B. phone calling, answering, inviting
B. phone calling, answering, inviting
5. Mengapa texture dalam discourse dianggap berperan penting?
A. Texture berperan sebagai pembentuk korelasi dalam discourse
B. Texture berperan sebagai pelengkap yang penting
C. Texture berperan sebagai penghubung kalimat dalam discourse
D. Texture berperan sebagai alat pemersatu discourse
A. Texture berperan sebagai pembentuk korelasi dalam discourse
A. Texture berperan sebagai pembentuk korelasi dalam discourse
6. ‘The boys are coming. They will have a basket competetion. Panji is the capten of the blue team. He is the best player in the town. ‘ Dari discourse ini grammar apa yang dapat Anda ajarkan pada siswa-siswa Anda? Kecuali
A. References
B. T enses
C. Articles
D. Vocabulary
D. Vocabulary
D. Vocabulary
7. The teacher said: ‘Please be quiet’. However the students cannot keep their mouth. The teacher said again: ‘Shuuut! Silent, plese.’ Then class is quiet now. Vocabulary manakah yang paling tepat diajarkan kepada parasiswa dengan
discourse di atas?
A. Sinonim
B. Antonim
C. Hiponim
D. Anonim
A. Sinonim
A. Sinonim
8. Manakah discourse dari yang berikut yang tidak cocok untuk digunakan dalam pengajaran speaking, ....
A. Telephone discourse
B. Shopping discourse
C. Textual discourse
D. Interview discourse
C. Textual discourse
C. Textual discourse